Preface: The content presented below is a snapshot view into the process of crafting a holistic description for how an Enterprise Agility puzzle can fit together conceptually in the…
Structured Feedback The concept and practices of “structured feedback” were created as a problem solving tool for addressing a critical issue emerging in Lean and Agile transformations –…
This topic addresses the following: Tame the monster of Enterprise Agility Chaos (how structured feedback unleashes the power of Enterprise Agility) An executive leader directs…
When leading enterprise-wide lean-agile transformations, there are often many topics that compete for attention. Additionally, for some of the topics, there is added complexity due to varying levels…
There are powerful sets of insights that can be drawn in analogies between serious games and lean agile transformations. Let’s capture a few of the timely highlights, as…
As you prepare for a transformation, consider that your first choice is to select your foundational approach to the transformation itself: “adopt” or “adapt“. This…
Business Agility not only adds additional organizational disciplines into a Lean Agile framework, it also adds inherent complexity* into its corresponding Value Stream**. This added complexity can…
“From the Inside Out” is a concept that recognizes the critical role of an internal transformation agent as a catalyst to complement external transformation consultancies. While…
Starting work on a new book idea: Agile Transformations, from the inside out. The framework is a 9-step pattern for Agile Transformations, in the context…